
Nov 6, 2014


Every once in a while, things can seem overwhelming.  Right now, for example, Kristen and I are preparing to move back to America.  In December, our term will be completed, and we will return to the States (Michigan, specifically).  As we move towards this next step, we are trying to tie up loose ends with our work and personal lives here in Madagascar, while also looking for jobs and transportation for when we get back; you know, the little details.

Through all of this, however, I try to remind myself of where, in the midst of busyness and disorganization, I can find peace.  One reminder comes from Philippians 4:6-7, where Paul encourages believers to take everything to the Father in prayer and thanksgiving, and lets them know that "the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."  So, I lift things up in prayer, and find encouragement in the knowledge that others are praying also. 

A second reminder comes from personal experience.  I don't have to look very far back to see how the Father has been at work in me and in my community, which assures me that He is still at work now.  These recent examples are what I want to share with you here.

One of the most significant ways that we have seen the Father working is through the people we meet.  Rado, for example, is a friend that we met not long after moving to Fort Dauphin.
Kristen and me with Rado on his last night in Fort Dauphin
He immediately became a close friend and partner in sharing the Gospel. Now, he is doing a Biblical studies program in America, and we are so excited to see how he will grow in his knowledge of Scripture, and how God will use him to spread His kingdom in Madagascar and around the world.

A large part of our work is to learn about the towns in our region, making maps and building relationships with people there.  We typically draw a crowd everywhere we go, most likely because there aren't too many foreigners that stop in these towns.  But sometimes, once the novelty of the foreigners wears off, we are able to find people who are genuinely interested in hearing about who we are, what we do, and how they can help.

A group of men helping me make sense of a town map

The men in this picture, for instance, struck up a conversation with me as I was looking at a map of a town just outside of the mayor's office.  They were surprised to see someone showing interest in their home, and were quick to tell me about where their villages are and what life is like there.

Another time, I was looking for a village, but it was hard to find from the main road.  I stopped a man walking by to ask him where it was.  He said that even though he was just passing through, he was very familiar with the area, and would take us there himself.  So, he generously stopped what he was doing and accompanied us to the town.  While we were walking, I shared with him who I am and what my work is, and learned that he lived in a town a little further away, but worked as the head of the school in the town where I met him.

About three weeks later, I was visiting another town, looking for the town offices to talk with the leaders.  As I drove down the road, I (miraculously) recognized this man that I had met once, several weeks earlier!  I stopped to say hello, and again, he said that he wanted to join us as we did our work that day.  He went with us to the mayor's office, and as I was still getting out of the car, he jumped out and quickly made his way inside.  By the time I caught up, he was already talking with the mayor, explaining who we were are why we were there, based on what I had told him on our first meeting.  The mayor said he was pleased to welcome us to his town, because we were friends of this man.  Needless to say, that was probably the easiest initial trip to a town that we've made.

Along with making maps and learning about the different towns, part of our job is to work alongside our long-term teammates in building relationships that could lead to new church groups being started.  We have had the wonderful privilege of not just doing the sowing, but also being able to see the beginnings of the harvest as the hard work of our teammate is coming to fruition.  We have seen a couple different groups start meeting in the area, and have also seen a training of a group of men and women who are eager to learn Bible stories and take them back to their home villages.  Their eagerness to learn and share is encouraging and inspiring!

Some of the story training participants

A new church leader teaching salvation to his family and neighbors.  Thank you Sandy Springs Baptist Church for the wonderful soccer balls!

Of course, not all of our work takes place outside of Fort Dauphin.  Every week, we have the opportunity to minister to those that live, work, and study right here in town.  One way we get to do this is through weekly Bible studies and discipleship.  A friend and I teach a Bible story each week at the English Center as a way to help students with their English, build friendships, and share the Gospel.  It started out with just a handful of guys, but quickly grew into a group of about twenty.

The weekly Bible study group
These people and experiences only touch the surface of all that Kristen and I could share.  As I have said, even when things seem dim, I don't have to look far to see where God is working.

Even when I am overwhelmed by the stress and uncertainty of a chapter quickly coming to a close, I can have peace.  When it is so tempting to be frustrated over a faulty appliance, a busy schedule, or a mild but persistent illness, I can have peace.  When plans fall through, people don't show up, and when the unexpected happens, I can have peace.

I can have peace because I know that there is nowhere I can go where our Father is not already there.

Jul 29, 2014

Digging Deeper

For a little over a year now, Kristen and I have been living and working in Fort Dauphin.  What that looks like seems to change from week to week, but looking back, we are excited to see the ways the Father has been working around us, and looking ahead, we are are ready to see how He is working before us.

Most of our what we do involves learning about the cultural beliefs and traditions of the people in and around our town.  Sometimes, that just means sharing a meal with a friend in town and listening as he shares about the culture in the village he grew up in.  Other times, we venture out to the villages ourselves and talk with people in their homes.  These villages can be close enough to walk to, and others...not so much.

One village that we visited recently, for example, led to quite the adventure as we went out to find it.  Our coworker had previously met a man on the road who accepted Jesus for the first time.  He shared the name of his village, but all that could be gathered about where it was is that it was past the furthest town we had been to at that point.  So, Kristen and I, along with a local friend, set out to find this village and the man's family.  We drove to Ibakika (the furthest town we had been to), and asked if anyone knew the man whose home we were trying to find.  One man said he knew him, but that his town was hard to find.  So, he jumped in the truck with us to show us the way.  From there, we had to drive onto a ferry to cross a river, wade through another river, walk across vast rice fields, take two hand-dug canoes, and climb a sand dune to finally reach this man's nine-hut village, just to find that he was out fishing and wouldn't be back for at least four hours!

Waiting for the hand-cranked ferry
Driving onto the ferry
Enjoying the break from driving while we cross the river
Waiting on the canoe
Crossing the last river to get to the village

Even though the man was not there, we were able to meet his family and hear about how he had returned from town a few days prior, and shared how he accepted Jesus and wanted them to do the same.

While it is rewarding to see people who are so eager to hear about Jesus, that is just the beginning.  Just like in any culture, it is difficult for the people we work with to turn away from their traditional beliefs and customs that are incompatible with Scripture.  As we have grown in our relationships with people in the villages we visit often, as well as our friends in town who grew up practicing the customs in the countryside, we are learning just how dark this land is.  People are living in a constant state of fear and distrust of the people around them.  Even people who claim to be followers of Christ still go to the witchdoctor regularly.  When asked what happens to a person's spirit when they die, one group of villagers said it depends on how "Christian" you are; if you go to church, then you go to Heaven, and if you don't go to church, you join the ancestors according to their traditional belief.

Please pray for us as we continue to dive deeper into the culture and beliefs of the people here.  Pray that as they hear the Gospel, they will realize that it requires a change from the way things are traditionally done.  Pray that the light of Christ will shine brightly in the darkness.

May 3, 2014


Kristen and I have reached a milestone:  March 27, 2014, marked one year since we left the states.  A lot has happened, we've grown and learned, and life and work here has slowly become "normal."

Along with the calendar-based milestone, we have also reached a significant point in our work.  Our objective while we are here is to learn about the Tanosy people, and in order to do that effectively, we have been building relationships with people in various towns and villages.  It can be a slow process, and is sometimes quite difficult, due to a variety of circumstances.  Here is a brief and recent example, though, of how it can pay off.

Sitting and talking in the village of Ebobaky

Houses in Ebobaky
These are pictures from a small village called Ebobaky (Eh-BOO-bah-key).  It is about 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) outside of Fort Dauphin, in the rural commune, or town, of Soanierana (Shoo-ah-nee-RAH-nah).  Back in September, Kristen and I made our first trip to the commune, just to see what was there as we were settling in to Fort Dauphin and looking to begin our work and research.  We were introduced to some of the people in Ebobaky, and they were immediately welcoming and happy to have us visit their village.  As time went on, we would frequently drive out to Soanierana, and would always make it a point to pass through Ebobaky and say hello.

The market along the main road through Soanierana
Now, let's fast forward to April.  Kristen and I had just returned from a month in Europe and mainland Africa, and were ready to get back to work.  I was talking to a friend, Rado, about how I was planning to travel to Soanierana soon to do some work, and he said that he was also planning to go there to teach a Bible study.  So, we decided to go there together to spend the weekend.

So on a Friday afternoon, we loaded up the truck and headed out.  Its only 12 kilometers to the town, but with how the roads are, it's about a 40 minute drive.  Our first stop was at the office of the town leader, called the president of the Fokontany.  He had already given me permission to visit and work in Soanierana whenever I want, but it had been a while since I had talked to him, and I wanted to introduce him to Rado.  I told him what our plans were for the weekend, and asked if the small sandy road to Ebobaky was in good enough condition to drive on after some recent heavy rains.  His response was, "Tena mety ny lalana," which translates to, "the roads are great."  And he was right, to some extent...

The rains had not, in fact, worn down the road.  The interesting thing about heavy rain, though, is that it also makes things grow.  In this case, every little sprout had suddenly received the proper nourishment to grow into a dense shrub, and they had grown straight up and out into the road.  But that's what brush guards are for, right?

Rado and I pushed our way through the mounds of sand and the newly grown mini-forest, and finally parked just outside of Ebobaky.  We got out and walked the rest of the way into the village to find some people to talk to.  We found one of the older men I talk to most of the times I visit, and we began to catch up after a couple of months of not seeing each other.  I told him that I would like to sit and talk at some point, because I have a lot of questions about the Tanosy people (of which he is a part), and I think he would be able to help.  "Of course!" he said.  "Come back tonight at 7, and we can talk until we go to sleep!"

Happy with that response, I said, "thank you," and Rado and I returned to Soanierana.  We spent the rest of the afternoon there, walking around town, speaking to some people we knew, and waiting for dinner.

Around six o'clock, we sat down to dinner at the "hotel" we were planning on sleeping in that night.  "Hotel" is a rather loose description, though.  I'm pretty sure the owner just happened to have a large house, so he set out some cots and charged people a couple dollars a night to sleep there.  The room where my cot was didn't even have a door separating it from the main room; I wasn't too upset, though, because it gave me a straight course out, just in case the multitude of large spiders on the ceiling decided to make their way down during the night.

Anyway, Rado and I sat down to dinner at six o'clock.  Winter is just beginning here, so it was already getting dark as our food was brought to us.  There is no electricity, of course, so we enjoyed a nice dinner of chicken and rice (lots of rice!) by candle light.  Then, just before seven, we went back to Ebobaky.

Oops, forgot to use the flash...

Much better. Now you can see the huge pot of rice. Also, Rado.
This time, as we were parking just outside of the village, they insisted we park beside their houses.  So we got back in the car, and drove down an even narrower, more overgrown path.  We stopped the car, got out, and sat down beside a tree.  At least I think we were next to a tree; we were sitting in the darkest darkness I believe I have ever seen.  Thankfully, I had a flashlight to place in the middle of the circle, and everyone was happy to be able to see each others' faces.

There we sat, with just the light of a small flashlight and the heavy hum of countless insects whirring around us, talking for hours about life, death, family, "fomba" (customs and traditions), God, spirits, religion, ancestors and history.  Months ago, it was difficult to get them to open up about simple things, and here, on this warm night, it felt like talking with old friends, despite my broken Malagasy and the need to have Rado translate some of their answers.  Perhaps they trusted me more now than when I first started visiting their village.  Maybe there's just something about sitting around at night that encourages deeper dialogue.  Whatever it was, I'm just thankful for long talks and honest conversation.

Sitting and talking at night
Finally, we took note of how late it had become.  We stood up, said our thank-yous and goodbyes, and went to leave.  Before I could turn the truck around, I was told that the path which I was already on was "tena mety," again meaning it was fine to drive on.  There was no path to be seen, and instead, I just drove my truck in the only direction it could physically make it.  Maybe I should quit believing these guys when they tell me the roads are good.  But despite the difficulty of getting the truck out of the village, Rado and I were all smiles as we reflected on how great the conversation was and how much we had learned.

Will you join me in praying for the people of Ebobaky?  They know about Jesus, but they do not yet believe in Him as the only way to the Father.  Many still trust in the "ombiasa", or witchdoctor.  Some don't trust him, but are afraid of what might happen if they don't pretend to.  There are churches in the nearby towns that they worship in, but they still do not follow Jesus.

Also, let's pray for the rest of the Tanosy people.  Overall, they are an unreached people group.  Sure, there have been missionaries, and there are churches all over, but religion has become nothing more than a "fomba" that they merge with their traditional beliefs.

Pray for the people working to take the Gospel to the Tanosy.  Kristen and I hope to have more conversations like this in the other towns we have been visiting, in order to have a deeper understanding of the Tanosy worldview.  Our partner is preparing stories and training others to teach the Bible in these villages.  And there are people like Rado, who are heart-broken for their home country, and are eager to follow God wherever he leads.

Me and Kristen with Rado (left) and Mireille (right), two of the people who teach the Bible in the villages

Thank you for all of your prayers and support.  I hope this helps you see a little better just how much your prayers and faithfulness are needed to reach the lost. 

Feb 10, 2014

The Shortest/Longest Month

All my life, I remember thinking that February felt like the longest month.  After Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the new year, winter always changes from a "magical winter wonderland" to a "long, gray, dreary, miserably cold precursor to spring."  Add to that the fact that February only has 28 days, and you have the simultaneously longest and shortest month of the year.

Surprisingly, February is not much different here in the southern hemisphere.  The reasons, though, are much different.  It can be terribly hot some days.  One embarrassing example of how hot it can get is how much I sweat doing normal things.  I know I'm not in the best shape, but I really don't think I should break a sweat from eating lunch.

Also, work has slowed down a little bit due to all of the rain.  Some of the roads become impassable when they're wet, and several of our trips to the countryside had to be postponed because of unexpected day-long showers.

But the number one reason for this month going so slowly is that at the end of the month, Kristen and I will get to see our families again!  We are fortunate enough to be able to spend a month traveling around different parts of the world with each of our families.  And as we prepare and the anticipation builds, the best way I can think to describe how we feel is like a child before Christmas (or me before Christmas...), or like a case of "senior-itis" before high school graduation.  

Even though I can sometimes become overwhelmed with anticipation, and the consistent rain can be a bit discouraging, and the heat can make me drag my feet a little, I push forward because I know that the Father is still working here in Fort Dauphin.  Kristen and I may not get out to visit villages as much as we would like right now, but it has given us time to work in town and encourage the believers here.  So as we finish up our first year on the field, please rejoice and pray with us for these things:

  • Sandy Springs Baptist Church sent us an incredible 8 boxes, filled with t-shirts, soccer balls, and hand-made skirts.  It was such a blessing for all involved as we gave them out at a local orphanage.
  • We have found a regular place to meet for our Sunday night Bible study with some of the teachers from the English Center in town.  
  • One of our friends from the Bible study has decided to be baptized.  He has realized that his traditional infant baptism is not in line with what the Bible teaches.  Please pray for another friend who is struggling with the same issue.
  • Please pray for motivation as we continue to learn Malagasy.
Kristen handing out skirts

Taking a break from playing with the new soccer ball

Some of the older girls showing off their skirts
And just for fun, here's a video of Kristen feeding a lemur: